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New Guide on Right to Buy Scheme for Council Tenants

The Leasehold Advisory Service has provided a detailed guide for council tenants who would like to buy their home.

It follows the Government decision to increase the maximum discounts available for some tenants to £75,000.

The guide outlines how the discount system works and explains the procedure involved in becoming a homeowner.

The revamped Right to Buy scheme came into effect on 3rd April last year and provides some tenants with discounts that are three times higher than were previously available. Up to 2.5million tenants could benefit.

The Government has pledged that homes sold under the scheme will be replaced by new properties for rent to ensure that there is no reduction in the number of affordable homes.

The Right to Buy scheme works on the basis that the longer a person has been a tenant, the bigger discount they get. They must have been public sector tenants for five years before they can qualify. This tenancy can be in their current home or in a previous one, with a different landlord.

For a house, tenants can get a discount of 35% on their current home after living in it for five years. For each extra year, they get an additional 1% discount up to a maximum of 60%.

For flats, tenants can get a discount of 50% after five years. For each extra year, they get an additional 2% discount up to a maximum of 70%.

Whatever percentage, the discount cannot exceed £75,000. This arrangement will result in far higher potential discounts for tenants across the country.

Please contact us if you would like more information about buying or selling a home.

The full guide is available to download as a PDF here.

Jane Riley | Partner
Property Department, Kerseys

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