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Pre-Nups Make Way for Pet-Nups!

Pre-Nups Make Way for Pet-Nups!

How much is that doggy worth in a breakup?

The Pandemic has seen a massive upsurge in couples welcoming pets into their homes.

An estimated 3.2 million UK households have acquired a pet during lockdown, prompting debate over who should keep the pet upon separation.

Why shouldn’t pets have the same legal status as a car or antique furniture?

Pets (Pet-Nup)

Pre-Nups Make Way for Pet-Nups!

Most pet owners would describe their pet as “one of the family” or their “child”, so why not avoid a court dispute and consider making a pet-nup?

A pet-nup could set out the pet arrangements in terms of time spent with each owner, who pays the pet insurance or vet and food bills.

Whilst ultimately the final decision as to whether any such agreement will be enforced, Judges have over the years applied more and more weight to the existence of a pre or post nuptial agreement as long as both parties knew what they were getting into, that both have disclosed their assets at the time and that neither was bullied or coerced into the agreement and crucially both had the opportunity of taking legal advice.

From dogs to donkeys or cats to chinchilla’s, if you want to ensure you don’t end up in court arguing over your pampered pet, then speak to one of our fully qualified Solicitors at [email protected] or telephone Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584, alternatively can click “Call Me Back” and we will be happy to contact you.

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