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In accordance with our regulator’s transparency rules, we display on our website pricing and service information in respect of the following areas of work:-
Please select as below for pricing and service information on these areas of work.
We are required to process Anti-Money Laundering Identity checks on each individual, this firm processes an online identity search on your behalf for which we will charge an additional fee of £24.00 inclusive of VAT per search.
Furthermore, regarding pricing for residential conveyancing work, please click on the ‘Get Quote’ button below to access our online calculator.
For further information on the residential conveyancing process, we have some helpful guides which can be accessed via this link.- These guides include:
We will send our initial instructions forms to you via email which can be completed at your leisure on any type of device (PC or mobile phone or tablet) and allows you to upload documents to us via a secure link also. However at Kerseys Solicitors we appreciate not one size fits all and if you prefer to receive paper copies of forms to complete we will send you the forms in the post to complete and return. Our aim is to provide a flexible, efficient legal service that you are most comfortable with.
Pricing and service information for other areas of work will be provided once you have let us have your instructions.
Regarding pricing for a Will and or LPA, please click on the ‘Get Quote’ button below to access our online calculator.
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