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Divorce or Separation - Kerseys Family Law

Relationships – New Year, New Beginnings

Some people see the beginning of the year as a chance to change their life. Many people come to decisions over the Christmas period to get fitter, eat more healthily. But some decide to end their relationship or are determined to see more of their children. Media hype can often fuel this with reference to “Divorce Day” and other news stories centred around break up. Often people will turn to google for help – checking their rights or obligations, or where they stand with regard to the house or pension or how often they should be seeing their children.

Often information found on the internet is generic or may even be factually wrong (as there remains references to “common law husband and wives”- which isn’t a recognised term). Family law is encapsulated by statute and case law but overall, there is wide discretion applied to individual cases. There is not a general “one size fits all” approach and your set of circumstances are rarely the same as another’s or your friend or colleague. It can be dangerous to try to shoe horn your situation into what you have read online or what your well-meaning friend has said over a drink. Getting clear and straightforward advice early (perhaps even before you decide to end the relationship or approach the other parent about increasing time with your children) from a qualified legal professional can avoid any misunderstanding or acrimony. At Kerseys we take the time to listen to you. To understand your issues. To consider the options in order to provide bespoke advice and a plan tailored to your needs. We explain the law, but in a way you understand and we consider a variety of resolution styles which we think will achieve the best   bespoke outcomes for you and your situation.  This is not about “winning” or “losing” but where possible, reaching an agreement consensually so that  both parties can move forward with their lives having not sought to destroy the other. This is especially important where children are involved.

So, if you are considering “new year, new beginnings” and want to understand what your options are, whether that is in contemplation of ending your marriage or relationship, or whether it is to re-evaluate the children arrangements, before you do anything else, consider booking an appointment with us. All 5 of our family solicitors are fully qualified. Several of us are trained collaboratively and we can also offer mediation.   We also offer heavily discounted first appointments and will openly talk through future funding of any legal work.  Our primary aim is to help you.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Family Team at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich 01473 213311 or in Colchester 01206 584584 or visit our web site and click “Call Me Back” and a member of the team will be happy to call you.


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