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Rishi Sunak Extends Furlough Scheme

Extends Furlough Scheme Until April ’21

Extends Furlough Scheme Until 30 April 2021

The government has just announced that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the furlough scheme) will continue until 30 April 2021.

For the period from 1 November 2020 until 31 January 2021 employees will receive 80% of their usual salary up to a maximum of £2,500 per month.

The scheme will be reviewed for March 2021 and April 2021 and the payment may be reduced along the lines of what we saw in September and October this year.

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If you or your business find yourself in difficulty and require support for you or your business, our Employment Specialists are here to help you.

Contact us at [email protected] or telephone us on Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584, alternatively if you would prefer us to call you please visit our web site and click “Call Me Back”.

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