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Same-sex marriage now legally recognised in Northern Ireland

Same Sex Marriage Legally Recognised in Northern Ireland

Same Sex Marriage Legally Recognised in Northern Ireland

In a historic development same-sex marriage is now legally recognised in Northern Ireland, bringing it into line with England, Scotland and Wales.

From 20th January 2020 same-sex couples will be eligible to register their intention to marry.

This means that the first of them will be able to marry just after Valentine’s Day.

Same-sex couples who married elsewhere will have their marriages recognized in Northern Ireland.

Couples who had civil partnerships will not be entitled to convert them into marriages at this time. However, a consultation about this is on its way.

Heterosexual couples wanting a civil partnership will also be able to have these from 20th January 2020.

Kerseys Solicitors warmly congratulates all those couples registering this week in Northern Ireland to marry or to have civil partnerships.

How Kerseys Can Help

If you require advice about family law please contact Family Law Solicitor Nicola Furmston.

Nichola Furmston

Nicola Furmston
01473 407110

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