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Insolvency for Individuals

Insolvency for Individuals

If you have financial difficulties you may consider the option of bankruptcy. You do not normally need the advice of a solicitor before doing so and there are organisations specialising in debt advice including Citizens Advice Bureaux (www.citizensadvice.org.uk) and National Debtline (www.nationaldebtline.org)

However, if you want detailed advice on the consequences of bankruptcy, you can make a fixed fee appointment with one of our solicitors. We will require payment in advance of the appointment.

If someone in your family or a business associate becomes bankrupt you may find yourself facing claims from their trustee in bankruptcy. These could include a claim for the sale of your jointly owned house or a claim for recovery of money paid to you before the bankruptcy. The trustee may claim that assets you believe are yours belong to the bankrupt.

These claims must be taken seriously as they can be substantial and trustees can have the motivation and the means to pursue them.

Our Dispute Resolution Team will be able to advise you as the merits of any claims and your options for resolving them.

For more information please contact one of the team.

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