Woodbridge - 01394 813732
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Colchester - 01206 584584
Felixstowe - 01394 834557

Wills, LPA, Trusts and Probate

Wills, LPA, Trusts and Probate

Kerseys has a long tradition of providing legal services to private clients from all walks of life. Our clients appreciate us as a firm that’s large enough to provide the range of expertise required, yet small enough to ensure personal attention.

Get more information on the Wills, LPAs, Trusts and Probate services we provide in Ipswich, Felixstowe, Woodbridge and Colchester below.

How much does a Will and/or LPA cost?



A Will is a common sense way of ensuring your family really benefits from everything you leave in the way that you want.


Court of Protection

The Court of Protection (COP) is an English Court with jurisdiction over the affairs of people who are mentally incapable of making decisions for themselves.

Court of Protection

Lasting Power of Attorney

A document that allows you to appoint someone to look after your affairs if you can no longer make decisions on your own behalf.

Lasting Power of Attorney

Probate and Estates Administration

Have you recently suffered a bereavement and if so do you know what to do next with regard to your loved one’s financial affairs?

Probate and Estates Administration


Our Private Client Department offers thorough expertise in the establishment and administration of trusts.


Legal Advice to the Elderly

A range of services for elderly clients, including advice on the long-term implications of care and its effects on a person’s estate, LPAs and Wills.

Legal Advice to the Elderly

Estate & Inheritance Tax Planning

Rising property values and increasing numbers of dual-income families have changed the face of inheritance tax and how this affects you.

Estate & Inheritance Tax Planning

Private Clients Team

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