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Setting up a website

When a business is setting up a website, for whatever purpose, the entire project needs careful consideration, not least for the legal arrangements concerning issues such as design, development and content.

The main objective in agreeing with your web-developers a ‘design and development agreement’ is to ensure that the website is designed and developed to the business’s requirements and includes clauses dealing with:

  • delivery and timing
  • clarifying infrastructure on hosting
  • the nature of what is provided and ‘look and feel’
  • the software used now and in the future
  • testing and launch dates
  • signing off a website for use
  • ownership of intellectual property
  • on-going service and termination.

For more information on some of the main legal issues on setting up a website, please contact Amanda Wheatley in our Commercial Department at amanda.wheatley [at] kerseys.co.uk or take a look at the IP/IT section of our own website.

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