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Shareholder, Director and Partnership Disputes

Shareholder, Director and Partnership Disputes

Do you own a business? Do you have a dispute?

Disputes between people who own and/or run businesses cover a wide range of issues.

There may be a:

  • breakdown of relationships between directors
  • disagreements concerning decisions within the company
  • concerns about the conduct of a particular director
  • shareholders may be concerned about the action of directors.

Such disputes are often complex, time consuming and costly so specialist dispute resolution advice should be taken at an early stage.

Our business disputes team can help to resolve these issues pragmatically and sensitively.

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Disputes between partners or members of LLPs can often be highly emotive. We advise both remaining and departing partners including accountants, surveyors and solicitors. Disputes which often arise involve the rights and liabilities of the parties on retirement, expulsion from the partnership or the dissolution or winding-up of the business.

We use alternative dispute resolution as a tool to achieve sensible and cost effective solutions as early as possible.

However, if court action is needed, we take decisive action.

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