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Family Solicitor Registers as COVID Vaccine Steward

Family Solicitor Registers as COVID Vaccine Steward

Family Solicitor Registers as COVID Vaccine Steward

Senior Family Solicitor, Nicola Furmston going the extra mile to help the community and the NHS.

Nicola has registered as a Covid Vaccine Steward in her spare time through the NHS Volunteer Responders. This involves Nicola stewarding at vaccination sites, directing car parking and queue management.

Nicola Furmston

Nicola says “I am so proud to be part of the huge effort people everywhere are putting in to beat COVID-19.  I have a passion for helping people and resolving situations, so when I learned that 250,000 volunteers are required I knew I had to sign up to be an NHS Volunteer Responder.

I will receive my tasks via the GoodSAM app through the Royal Voluntary Service and assist with 6 hour shifts at a time. The GoodSAM app has run for five years and has a number of volunteer roles for people both with and without medical expertise.”

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