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Amanda Erskine

Amanda Erskine - Associate Solicitor

Amanda Erskine

Associate Solicitor

Contact Details

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About Amanda Erskine.

Amanda is an Associate Solicitor in the Family Department.  Amanda qualified as a family solicitor in 2012 having trained at another regional firm. She joined the Family Department at Kerseys Solicitors LLP in December 2023.

Amanda’s approach to all situations is to provide a sympathetic ear and a practical solution. She aims to always try, where possible, to keep matters out of the costly court system, and encourage couples to resolve their issues as amicably as possible.

Amanda is a member of Resolution www.resolution.org.uk, an organisation committed to the settlement of disputes in a constructive, non-confrontational and cost-effective manner.

Specialist Expertise

Personal and Professional Interests

Amanda has two young children and is heavily involved in school life sitting as both a committee member for the primary school PTA and as Chair of the committee running the pre-school located on school grounds.

Family, Relationships & Divorce
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