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Matthew Clemence

Matt Clemence Head of Family Department - Partner Solicitor

Matthew Clemence

Head of Family Department - Partner Solicitor

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About Matthew Clemence.

Matthew is the head of our Family Law Department.

Matthew qualified as a solicitor in 2001 following completion of his training at a prominent law firm in East London.

Matthew moved back to Suffolk working for a number of high ranking law firms from 2003 to date which also included working seven years in Newmarket where he headed up his own Family team from 2009 to 2016.

Matthew has now joined Kerseys Solicitors LLP as a partner bringing with him a wealth of experience to the family law team. Notably, Matthew was the husband’s solicitor in the Wright case which received worldwide publicity following the decision passed down by The Court of Appeal involving spousal maintenance, the result of which has dramatically changed the legal landscape in this area of law. Consequently, Matthew now receives instructions from clients both in the UK and abroad seeking advice in this particular area.

In addition, Matthew advises clients on all issues arising from family matters, including divorce, financial resolution, children disputes, pre/post marital agreements as well as financial resolution with cross jurisdictional elements, businesses, trusts and land. Matthew also advises non-married couples in relation to cohabitation issues including property disputes under The Trusts of Law and Appointment of Trustees Act. Matthew also advises same sex couples on all matters including separation, divorce, finances and children matters.

Matthew is collaboratively trained, a qualified mediator and a member of Resolution. He is committed to resolving all family matters outside court wherever possible.

Matthew also works with a number of third party professionals including financial advisors, tax experts, accountants, pension experts and surveyors to ensure the client receives the best advice possible. This holistic way of working with the emphasis being on creating a “team” for the client has produced some notable successes

Specialist Expertise

Examples of experience:

  • Representing clients in applications to vary spousal maintenance both based in the UK and overseas.
  • Successfully securing the return of a child to his father following the child’s abduction by the mother.
  • Representing a client in highly complex financial proceedings involving a number of properties situated in the UK and abroad, various business interests and where conduct was also raised.
  • Defeating an application to remove children from the jurisdiction.
  • Successfully overseeing a myriad of professionals in a case involving trusts, land property and mental health issues in a quasi-collaborative case where a positive outcome for all parties was achieved.
  • Acting for a farmer where the only asset was the farm and achieving a pragmatic settlement to ensure the farm was retained by the client.
  • Acting for a client whose husband was caught with drugs with a street value of £1million and defeating the CPS claim that the matrimonial assets were caught under The Proceeds of Crime Act to ensure she retained the family home for her and the children.
  • Representing a client with a complex pension fund with over £3.5 million within financial proceedings.
  • Representing various clients from the media and sporting world on family related issues, including several jockeys, horse trainers and broadcasters
  • Representing a father late in the proceedings where the s7 Report concluded he should not see his children due to finds of fact having been made against him. Successfully overturning the CAFCASS recommendations and obtaining an order that the father should be allowed to see his children

Matthew Clemence is listed as a Leading Lawyer by Wiselaw.

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