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Statutory Sick Pay Post Pandemic

Statutory Sick Pay Update

Statutory Sick Pay Update for Employers and Employees.

Earlier in the year the government extended Statutory Sick Pay (“SSP”) to employees who were told to isolate under the test and trace system.  Claim Coronavirus Related Statutory Sick Pay – Kerseys Solicitors

As part of the government’s ‘living with Covid’ policy, from 24 March 2022, the current Covid-19 SSP rules will end in England.  Currently, employees are able to claim SSP for every day that they are off with COVID-19 rather than being unpaid for the first three days.  From 24th March 2022, employees in England will no longer be eligible for SSP for isolating unless they are unwell.  In short, the rules will revert to the pre-pandemic rules for SSP.

The SSP rebate scheme will end on 17 March 2022.  Under this scheme some employers are able to reclaim up to 2 weeks’ SSP where an employee has been off work because they had COVID-19 or had to self-isolate under the rules. The deadline for employers who wish to submit claims under this scheme will be 24 March 2022.

Although the rules in connection with COVID-19 are changing, employers still have the legal duty to ensure that they provide a safe working environment and as such will need to assess risk.  COVID-19 is likely here to stay and as such, employers need to manage a safe way to move forward.  This will include ensuring that appropriate measures are in place in accordance with health and safety and that these measures are communicated to all staff, to include any revised measures that an employer may make to ensure that employees are kept safe in the workplace.  Regular risk assessments should be made to ensure that the measures they have in place are adequate following the changes to the rules regarding COVID-19, ensuring that they adhere to the guidance on COVID-19.

Employers – Managing Absence – Kerseys Solicitors

Kerseys Solicitors Employment Law specialists are on hand to advise you further.

Please contact us at [email protected] or alternatively telephone Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584, where will be happy to arrange a telephone call or virtual online meeting with you.  You can also visit our web site and click “Call Me Back” and we will be happy to contact you.

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