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Is there such a thing as a good divorce

Is there such a thing as a Good Divorce?

Is there such a thing as a Good Divorce?

Associate Family Solicitor at Kerseys explains.

Good Divorce Week is an annual campaign organised by Resolution.

The campaign strives to raise awareness of Resolution members and the work they do.

What does Resolution do?

Resolution is a community of family justice professionals who work with families and individuals to resolve issues in a constructive way.

It was founded in 1982 by a group of family lawyers who believed that a non-confrontational approach to family law issues would produce better outcomes for separating families and their children.

There are now 6500 members of Resolution.

At Kerseys, all our solicitors are members of Resolution and committed to the Resolution Code of Practice.

You may have seen Resolution in the news lately with the “time to end the blame game” campaign.

At the moment, if you wish to get divorced you need to rely on one of five facts.

If you do not want to wait two years to divorce, the only way to proceed is to blame your spouse for the breakdown of the marriage.

Often, it is not one party’s fault that the marriage has broken down and having to blame one party can cause considerable distress.

Resolution members have been campaigning for no-fault divorce for over 30 years and the Government has recently announced plans to reform our outdated divorce laws.

Is there such a thing as a Good Divorce?

The emphasis behind Good Divorce Week this year is seeking advice at the earliest opportunity.

Every family and relationship is different and professional advice delivered early can help people think through their options and decide which process or combination of processes would be most suitable.

Parties can sometimes lose sight of what is important, which can lead to entrenched positions and protracted disputes. This can take its toll both emotionally and financially. Whilst the term Good Divorce seems to be an oxymoron, a good divorce does exist.

Ideally, both the adults and the children should emerge from a divorce emotionally unscathed by the process. The way in which this can be achieved is through support to deal with matters pragmatically and in a constructive way. Of course, if it is not possible to deal with matters amicably, we are highly experienced in litigation, should such a step be necessary.

What are we doing to support Good Divorce Week?

At Kerseys we appreciate that divorce is a delicate and emotionally upsetting time and we are here to support you sensitively and efficiently.

We appreciate that it can be difficult to speak to a Solicitor during the working day and our specialist family lawyers are available to speak to you on the first Saturday of the month. You can find out more about booking an appointment by clicking here.

We also offer a late surgery on the second Wednesday of the month. Our next late surgery will be Wednesday 9th December.

Our Head of Department, Matt Clemence will be available via our live chat service and you can find out more about this by clicking here.

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