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Supporting Junior Lawyers

Supporting Junior Lawyers, Hannah Gordon of Kerseys Solicitors LLP

The partners of Kerseys Solicitors based in Ipswich and Colchester are delighted that newly appointed Solicitor in our Family team, Hannah Gordon, has been appointed chair of the Suffolk and North Essex Law Society Junior Lawyers Division.

The Suffolk and North Essex Junior Lawyers Division provides support and guidance to individuals ranging from university students through to lawyers who are 5 year qualified.

Events are planned for January with more in pipeline and these events will be added to the Facebook page shortly.

The group is supported by SNELs and Clara Rose, with links to Ipswich University and are looking to develop further links in North Essex.

Suffolk & North Essex Law Society Clara Rose Consultancy

Hannah Gordon says "I am delighted to be chair of the SNEJLD and to be able provide a forum for a range of individuals at different stages of their legal career to meet and support one another. With the aid of a fantastic committee, I am excited for the upcoming events!"
View Hannahs' Profile
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