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Role as an Executor

The role of an executor is an important one


In October 2022 the mainstream media reported on the case of a man who was the executor for his mother’s estate.  Under the terms of his mother’s Will, part of the estate was to go to his niece and nephew.  However, three years after his mother’s death he had failed to distribute to his niece and nephew their inheritance or provide them with accounts.  He was subsequently sued, and the Courts jailed him for breaching a Court Order whereby he was ordered to distribute the inheritance to his niece and nephew.

Whilst we will never fully know how this man got into the difficulties that he did, or whether there were any additional factors with this case, it demonstrates that the role of an executor is an important one.

There is a lot of responsibility placed on an executor and it is therefore the case that often people find the role of being an executor overwhelming.  Therefore, it is often better when dealing with an estate to work alongside professionals who know how to manage an estate.

Our Private Client Team at Kerseys Solicitors LLP have years of experience and we are here to help executors with an estate and to relieve some of the aforementioned responsibility and burden.  We have the expertise to guide you through the tax systems associated with probate, as well as the rules and regulations when it comes to distributing monies to beneficiaries and accounting for yourself.  For further information please do contact a member of the Private Client team at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich on 01473 213311 or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester on 01206 584584 or email us at [email protected].

Probate and Estates Administration – Kerseys Solicitors

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