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Unfair or Wrongful Dismissal For Individuals Pricing

Employment Tribunal Pricing and Service Information for Individuals (Claimants) in bringing Unfair/Wrongful Dismissal Claims

We are happy to act for individuals/claimants in connection with bringing claims against their employer/former employer in connection with unfair dismissal and/or wrongful dismissal.

What is wrongful dismissal?

It is a dismissal that is done so in breach of contract.  For example where an employer dismisses an employee usually for gross misconduct and refuses to pay the employee the notice pay and benefits that the employee would have received had the employer not dismissed the employee for gross misconduct.

Wrongful dismissal claims are also often brought in connection with constructive unfair dismissal claims.  This is where the employee resigns with immediate effect in response to the employer’s fundamental breach of the contract of employment. Under such circumstances, the employee has no alternative other than to resign with immediate effect.  As such, the employee is prevented from working their notice and receiving the benefits for that period. 

What is Unfair Dismissal?

An employee may pursue a claim for unfair dismissal where they have been dismissed by their employer and who, in most cases, has the requisite two years’ qualifying period of service. The qualifying period does not apply in most cases where the dismissal is for an automatically unfair reason such as whistleblowing or the dismissal is linked to discrimination.

There are circumstances in which an employee who meets the qualifying criteria may not be able to pursue a claim, such as for example, where the employee does not have the legal right to work in the UK or they are out of time to bring a claim.

Fees Estimate

Our fees are based on a rate of £280.00 per hour plus VAT *

Disbursements are payments made to a third party in connection with your matter such as barristers or court fees.  We will require you to pay disbursements in advance so that we can pay them on your behalf to ensure that your matter proceeds seamlessly.

Less complex cases: £2,000.00 to £6,000.00 plus VAT

Barristers fees*; £1,500.00 to £2,500.00 plus VAT per day

Medium complexity cases: £6,000.00 to £12,000.00 plus VAT

Barristers fees*; £1,500.00 to £4,000.00 plus VAT per day

Highly complex cases: £12,000.00 to £20,000.00 plus VAT

Barristers fees*; £1,500.00 to £5,000.00 plus VAT per day

There will be an additional charge of £1,000 plus VAT per day for attending an Employment Tribunal Hearing.  We allow for 1-5 days depending on the complexity of the claim.

  • *VAT current rate 20%
  • *Barristers fees vary on experience

What makes a claim more complex?

  • Claims that are in addition to unfair dismissal such as discrimination claims or other relevant claims;
  • Automatic unfair dismissal claims for whistleblowing;
  • Claims that involve mediation, judicial or otherwise;
  • Drafting or defending costs claims;
  • Amending claims;
  • The number of witnesses involved;
  • Interim applications;
  • The conduct of the Respondent.

These estimates are to provide you with a guide to the likely costs and steps involved in pursuing a claim for unfair dismissal and/or wrongful dismissal in an Employment Tribunal.  You will be provided with an individual costs estimate at the outset of instructing us.

You may also have access to legal expense insurance either via your household insurance policy or motor insurance policy, for example, that may assist you with your legal costs in pursuing your claim in an Employment Tribunal.  We would encourage you to check with your insurance providers whether these legal costs are covered.

Throughout the entire process, you will be advised by a qualified employment solicitor, Annalie King. For details of our employment services please visit our employment page.

Each claim is fact specific and we will ensure that you are kept up to date with costs in connection with your matter to include disbursements payable to a third party such as Barristers’ fees.  We will ask you to provide us with suitable funds in advance of instructing a Barrister on your behalf.

How long will my matter take?   

The length of time that it takes for your matter to reach resolution in an Employment Tribunal depends on a number of factors.

Before you can issue your claim on the form ET1 in an Employment Tribunal they must enter into early conciliation via the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS).  This process can take up to six weeks but resolution could be reached at this stage.

If matters are not resolved at this stage then the claimant will need to issue your claim with the Employment Tribunals.  Once accepted by the Employment Tribunals your employer/former employer (the Respondent) will have 28 days from receipt of the ET1 to serve their defence on the form ET3.

Depending on the Employment Tribunal and the length of the Hearing a claim will likely take between 12 to 18 months to be heard in a full merits Hearing at the Employment Tribunals.  This is just an estimate of how long it will take for your matter to be heard in an Employment Tribunal. However, we will provide you with a more definitive timescale as your matter progresses.

This serves as purely guidance for your information.

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