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Contents of House on Divorce

What happens to the contents of a house on divorce?

What happens to the contents of a house on divorce?

The contents of the average house are rarely worth much money but can have significant sentimental value. Due to their lack of fiscal value they are usually the last part of people’s financial settlement on divorce and often just get left with whoever has them.  But what if your contents are worth a lot of money and you can’t agree who is to have what? In May 2022 the most expensive art collection ever recorded went under the hammer in New York. The thirty piece collection, including Rothkos, Warhols and Picassos, found itself in the auction house after the husband wanted it sold but the wife wanted to keep it. The possibility of a meeting of minds over this was reduced further after the husband put a huge billboard picture of himself and his much younger new woman on the side of a prominent building. The judge called time on the dispute and ordered the lot sold and sell they did, for a cool $835 million. The same would happen to the contents of the average house in England, just without the rewarding millions in the bank afterwards.

If you are unsure of the best route for you, our team of friendly and supportive Family Solicitors also offer a fixed fee appointment in which a qualified Family Solicitor will provide you with bespoke legal advice and include setting out your options on how to move forward with your divorce and or financial settlement following your divorce please contact the Family Team at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich Suffolk 01473 213311 or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester Essex 01206 584584 alternatively visit our web site and click “Call Me Back” and a member of the team will be happy to call you.

No Fault Divorce – The end of the Blame Game – Kerseys Solicitors

Divorce – The end of the Blame Game – YouTube

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