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What is Collaborative Law_

What is Collaborative Law?

What is Collaborative Law?

Matt Clemence explains how Collaborative Law may help you.

Experiencing family issues but do not want to go to court?

Having made one of the most difficult decisions in your life, it is easy to think that you have to choose the traditional “adversarial” option of engaging a solicitor to “fight” for you rights in order to “win” what you can get from the marriage.

But there is another way!

A way which is far more dignified, fair and most importantly minimises the emotional trauma for all those involved. Collaborative law is a form of alternative dispute resolution for family issues such as:

  • divorce
  • finances
  • children arrangements

A settlement is reached in a non-confrontational way and without court involvement, based upon cooperation between parties through assistance from their collaboratively trained lawyers in round table meetings.

Click here where Matt Clemence walks us through some of the frequently asked questions to shed some insight into this powerful non contentious style of resolution.

Collaborative Law FAQs Collaborative Law Process

Contact Matt Clemence

Matt Clemence, is a qualified Solicitor with vast experience in family law.

Matt is also a collaborative lawyer and a qualified mediator and joins Kerseys as a Partner in the family team.

Matt Clemence

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