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What is Family Mediation

What is Family Mediation?

What is Family Mediation?

Matt Clemence explains what Family Mediation is.

Why can Mediation help you resolve a family related matter?

Family mediation is a process where a Mediator supports and helps you and family members to communicate more effectively and to find consensual resolution during times of dispute which often occurs following separation and typically covers issues such as financial matters and children disputes (where the children will live, or how often they see each parent).

Mediation is a confidential process meaning that anything that is discussed in the meetings cannot be referred to outside the process. This allows you to speak freely and think outside the box.

The only time the mediator can break the confidentially of mediation is in a situation where there is an admission of criminal activity or the welfare of a child or vulnerable person is at risk. The mediator will give a clear explanation of what action they will take.

Please visit our web site page “Mediation FAQs” which details the main steps in the mediation process.

If you require any further advice or would like to discuss your options with regard to mediation please do not hesitate to contact Matt Clemence at [email protected] or telephone Colchester 01206 584584 where Matt will be happy to speak with you.

Mediation Mediation FAQs Family, Relationships and Divorce

Contact Matt Clemence

Matt Clemence, is a qualified Solicitor with vast experience in family law.

Matt is also a collaborative lawyer and a qualified mediator and joins Kerseys as a Partner in the family team.

Matt Clemence

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