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Settlement Agreement

What is a Settlement Agreement? – Video

What is a Settlement Agreement? – Video

Employment Law

Video Transcript

March 2020 saw us enter the first lock down due to Coronavirus. With many businesses having to close and make decisions to furlough their staff to save their business in the long term and ensure their staff received payment from the Government furlough scheme.

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Many businesses had to review their business needs for the longer term and make difficult decisions, which included redundancies. This resulted in individuals requiring a specialist employment lawyer to review their Settlement Agreement.

Many people did not know what a Settlement Agreement was and what the process is for accepting/rejecting a Settlement Agreement from their employer.

At Kerseys Solicitors, we want to make the process of finalising a Settlement Agreement for you as simple and straight forward as possible. We achieve this by booking a virtual or telephone with our Employment Solicitor, prior to the meeting we ask you to arrange to email us your draft Settlement Agreement along with evidence of your identity.

We review your documents prior to the virtual/telephone meeting to enable to advise you on the restrictions and benefits and to ensure that you are also safe guarded for your future, taking into account pensions and other such items like Christmas clubs.

If you are happy with the points in your Settlement Agreement, we arrange for you to sign the document and email or post it to us and then finalise the Settlement Agreement with your employer.

In most circumstances the Settlement Agreement will have a clause that your employer will pay a certain amount of fees to cover the cost of your Employment advice. We will then invoice your employer direct and send the agreed signed Settlement Agreement to your employer.

If you find yourself taking voluntary redundancy or are being made redundant, contact us as [email protected], or telephone Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584 or visit our web site and click “Call Me Back”.

You do not need to leave your home, we will contact you and support you via virtual/telephone appointments.

It is a stressful process for you but we will support you and believe in keeping it simple.

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