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Construction Law

Workman Awarded Compensation – Falling On Scaffolding

Workman Awarded Compensation After Falling On Scaffolding

A 40-year-old man has been awarded £4,500 compensation after injuring his leg on a scaffolding pole while at work.

He was laying breeze blocks on a building site when he tripped on the pole which was sticking 12-15 inches out of the ground. It had no protective cover.

He lost his balance and as he fell his right shin hit the top of the pole leaving him with a deep laceration.

The wound was 4-5 inches long and needed stitches. The injury left a scar and the man was unable to work for four weeks. He also needed assistance with daily domestic tasks for two months. It took four months for the injury to heal.

He brought an action against the contractors saying they had failed to make sure the scaffolding was fitted with safety covers and had exposed him to a foreseeable risk of injury.

The contractors denied liability saying there hadn’t been any breach of care and all procedures had been followed.

The case was settled out of court and the man was awarded £4,500 for pain, suffering and loss of amenity.

Please contact us if you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault.

Dispute Resolution Department | Kerseys

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