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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

When as individuals we come together for events, we realise how fantastic life can be when people are together, making new friends and socialising.  But life can be tough at times and as an individual you may feel that your issues are nothing compared to others, however no matter what the issue it is affecting you and therefore is important to you.  Do not be afraid to talk to someone, life is better with people to talk to and to share not only the good the times but also not so good times.

You are not alone – mental health and wellbeing is not a stigma, and you should not be ashamed to say you need a little help. There is nothing wrong with you, sometimes we all need a little bit of help no matter of our age, gender, job or personal situation.

How to Manage Stress and Mental Health At Work – Kerseys Solicitors
Mental Health Awareness – Relationships Matter – Kerseys Solicitors

St John’s Ambulance Mental Health Resources for Employers
Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

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